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Check icon Fully customizable Cookie bar
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Everything in Junior, plus:
Check icon Unlimited impressions
Check icon Google Consent V2
Check icon Shopify privacy API integration
Check icon Translate to multiple languages
Check icon Consent tracking & logs
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Everything in Basic, plus:
Check icon Consent tracking statistics
Check icon Geolocation
Check icon Cookie scanner
Check icon Compliance page
Check icon Advanced styling & CSS
Check icon Priority live chat support

TinyCookie benefits

Store data protection | TinyCookie

Store data protection

All TinyCookie servers are located in the European Union countries, so no client data ever leaves the EU.

Flexible plans | TinyCookie

Flexible plans

Everything from 1 month to Business level plans is available. Start with a 7-day free trial across all our paid plans. Cancel anytime.

24/7 support | TinyCookie

24/7 support

Our team is always ready to answer questions or lend a hand with your store optimization.