How to enable cookies on Safari?

The process of enabling cookies on Safari depends on what device you’re using. While you can allow them straight through the browser on your desktop device, other devices like iPads or iPhones require accessing device settings. Here are full guides on how to do it on any device:

Enable cookies on desktop devices

  1. Open the Safari app and click on the “Safari” option in the upper left corner of the screen.
  2. Go to Settings >  Privacy.
  3. Uncheck the “Block All Cookies” box.

Enable cookies on iPhone/iPad

  1. Open device Settings > Safari.Access Safari settings in the device settings on iPhone
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the window and click Advanced.Find the Advanced section in the Safari settings on iPhone
  3. Turn off the “Block All Cookies” section.Toggle the "Block All Cookies" switch to enable or disable cookies on Safari

If the toggle switch is gray, cookies are already enabled.

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