Does Shopify use cookies?

Shopify uses cookies on its website and its merchant websites. The main cookie types the platform uses on its website include:

  • Necessary cookies – cannot be disabled and are needed to ensure basic business operations.
  • Security cookies – to help authenticate login attempt abuses.
  • Multimedia content player cookies – session (temporary) cookies used only to store technical data that’s necessary for multimedia content, such as image quality.
  • Load balancing cookies – session cookies to identify servers for appropriate request redirecting.
  • User interface customization cookies – persistent cookies used to remember user preference.
  • First-party analytics cookies – used to enhance Shopify’s and its merchants’ websites and user experience.
  • Third-party analytics cookies – used for analytics providers such as Google Analytics to understand how users interact with the website. You can learn more about Google Analytics cookies on the Analytics Help page.
  • Advertising cookies – cookies used to tailor relevant advertisements to the user.
  • Social and content cookies – these cookies help improve website content.

If you wish to find the full list of cookies Shopify uses on their website or on merchant websites, refer to the Shopify Cookie Policy.

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