Cookie banners notify website visitors about the use of cookies and allow managing consent options. However, they’re not always compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which protects the data privacy rights of European residents.
Read further to learn what a GDPR cookie banner should look like together with real-life examples that will guide you on how to achieve compliance on your site.
Display a GDPR-compliant cookie banner on your Shopify website
Try TinyCookie freeWhat is a GDPR cookie banner?
A GDPR cookie banner, cookie notice, or cookie popup is a notification placed on websites to inform users about the use of cookies and acquire explicit consent. It’s compliant with the GDPR, under which organizations must obtain active consent for the use of all cookies except strictly necessary ones.
Any business that operates in or outside the European Union and uses internet cookies to process the personal data of European citizens must use a GDPR cookie banner. It should briefly explain what data cookies collect and document user consent.
Plus, it must provide users with a level of control over their data by allowing them to manage, accept, or reject these tracking technologies.
Here’s an example of a GDPR-compliant cookie banner:
What should your cookie banner say?
A cookie banner should include a consent message informing users that the website stores cookies and for what reason. It should also mention consent options, providing options to consent to all or specific types of cookies, or decline consent.
Here are the main components a cookie banner should include:
- Consent statement. A cookie banner should explain that the website uses cookies and for what reason.
- Consent management. The banner must include cookie consent or rejection buttons. It should also allow managing preferences so users can choose which types of cookies they want to agree to.
- Link to legal documents. There should be a link to the cookie policy or to a privacy policy that also covers cookies.
Cookie consent banner checklist
To create a GDPR-compliant cookie consent banner, follow these key guidelines:
- Inform users about the use of cookies, including third-party cookies.
- Insert a hyperlink to your cookie policy or privacy policy that includes information about cookies on your site.
- Mention the types of cookies that your website uses.
- Add “Accept” and “Reject” buttons so users can pick their preference.
- Allow customizing cookie consent and check-marking which cookie types users agree to.
- Use plain and easy-to-understand language.
- Add a cookie icon at the corner of your website so that users can change consent options whenever they want.
- You may add a closing button but treat it as cookie consent rejection because it’s not an affirmative action.
Effective GDPR cookie consent examples
A GDPR cookie consent banner or pop up should be simple and brief but provide resources for more in-depth information. Keeping it short helps ensure you don’t disturb the user’s browsing experience. Let’s take a look at some examples of how a GDPR-compliant cookie consent should look like.
1. Tesco
The Tesco online store cookie banner is GDPR compliant. It includes the “Accept cookies” and “Reject all” buttons as well as lets you click “Show purposes” to manage cookie settings. Additionally, it explains the use of cookies and provides a list of vendors that they share data with.
There’s also a hyperlink included which guides users to the privacy policy that provides full information about cookie usage and user rights.
2. Santoir
The Santoir luxury bag store uses TinyCookie on their Shopify website to implement a custom cookie banner at the middle of their page. They use clear and simple language to explain what types of cookies they use and for what reason.
You can either accept all or reject all cookies, but there’s also an option to manage preferences. Here, you can find more in-depth explanations of what cookies are used and what their purpose is.
IKEA uses a more comprehensive cookie banner to explain how cookies are used on their website. It notes what cookies are used, what happens when you click “Accept all,” and how to manage cookies. There’s also a link provided to the privacy and cookie policy.
After clicking “Cookie settings,” users can learn more about technical and analytical cookies and choose which ones to accept.
4. Espresso Coffee Shop
The Espresso Coffee Shop places the cookie banner in the middle of the website and doesn’t allow browsing the site until cookie settings are chosen. They explain that these tracking technologies are used for “smooth and personalized browsing experience” and other purposes in just two short and clear sentences.
Users can click “more info about our cookies” to access the cookie policy. Additionally, instead of the “reject” button, the rejection button is named “limit to essentials,” meaning only cookies that don’t require user consent will be deployed.
5. Ramsay Health Care
The Australian healthcare provider Ramsay Health Care uses easy-to-understand language in their cookie banner. It’s placed at the bottom of the website and is hard to miss.
The website explains what happens if the user clicks “Accept All Cookies,” meaning consent is informed and involves an affirmative act if the user presses the button. There’s also a hyperlink included which leads to the cookie policy, letting users learn more about what they’re agreeing to.
6. Skins Golf
Skins Golf, which sells golf-oriented products, uses a straightforward cookie banner that’s customized using TinyCookie. It ensures GDPR compliance because it allows users to manage cookie preferences or simply click the “Accept” or “Decline” button.
If you click “Manage preferences,” you can choose specific types of cookies to accept by learning more about what each of them are.
7. Spiriense
The Spiriense jewelry store uses TinyCookie to inform users about the use of cookies on their site. They’ve even included the cookie icon to be visible at the corner of their page at all times so that users can customize their preferences or revoke consent at any time.
They describe the use of cookies and their intent in one sentence, but you can also view settings to get more information or use the hyperlink to their privacy policy.
8. TinyCookie
TinyCookie is a website that offers a customizable and GDPR-compliant cookie banner for Shopify websites. The TinyCookie website uses a short yet informative statement to introduce users to the use of cookies. It allows accepting all cookies or rejecting them by only accepting essential cookies.
Users may also access the privacy policy or terms & conditions straight from the links placed below the banner.
What is the best cookie consent for GDPR?
The best cookie consent that’s compliant with GDPR is one that provides a few short statements, including the use of cookies and the reason for it. There should be three buttons – “Accept all,” “Accept essential only” (or “Reject”), and “Manage cookies.”
Users who select the “manage cookies” option should be provided more information about what specific types of cookies are and be able to mark which ones they want to accept. Here’s an example of the TinyIMG website showing how it could look like:
There should also be a hyperlink linking to the cookie policy or privacy policy. That’s because under the GDPR Article 12, information about data collection should be easy to access.
Lastly, all user consent should be securely stored in one place. The best way to automate this and easily add a custom cookie banner is to use a consent management platform. Shopify users can benefit from the free cookie banner called TinyCookie.
Ensure GDPR compliance with a banner on your Shopify site
Try TinyCookie nowHow to add a cookie consent banner on your website?
Installing a cookie consent banner on your website isn’t difficult if you’re using straightforward and high-quality tools. Here’s all you should do:
- Find a cookie banner that’s compatible with your website building platform and click Install.
- Follow the setup instructions.
- Customize the banner according to your needs and website style.
That’s all. If you’re a Shopify user, you can use TinyCookie – it doesn’t require adding any code. You can simply click “Install” and embed the app as per instructions – your banner will be live.
Frequently asked questions
Cookie consent means obtaining active user consent before you activate cookies, or online identifiers, to collect personal data on your website. According to the GDPR, users must be able to either give affirmative consent, consent to specific types of cookies, or reject cookies.
GDPR cookie consent requires websites to acquire affirmative consent before deploying cookies that collect personal data on user devices. The most important requirements involve active, explicit, and informed consent as well as the option to withdraw consent at any given time.
According to the GDPR, informed consent refers to the user being informed and understanding how their personal data will be used, their rights, how to withdraw consent, and purpose for data collection. Consent must also be unambiguous and involve an affirmative answer.